Before he was Razor the Mafia Don.
Before he was Razor the Consigliere to Joey Leftfoot and third in line to run the Leftfoot Crime Family.
He was Anthony DeLuca, the young Italian confidence man.
Come along with Olivia Wainwright as she learns a little more about the man he was before he was Razor.
Razor’s Edge: Pig in a Poke
A poke is a bag-thus concealing the item being sold.
Comes from the 14th Century saying:
‘I wyll neuer bye the pyg in the poke
Thers many a foule pyg in a feyre cloke’
A confidence trick where a farmer would substitute a cat for a suckling pig when bringing it to market. The goal being to sell the cat as a pig without the buyer finding out the truth until too late.
Can also extend to selling anything sight unseen and leaving the buyer with something they did not think they bought.
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